The 7th Day Sabbath

LIVE! Every Saturday Morning At 10:30 am EST!

John Chapter 7
The Two Laws

Were there two laws given during the days of Yeshua (Jesus) and his Apostles? If God’s law was not the only law… then where did the other law come from? What Feast Day did Yeshua keep in John chapter 7? Who were the Jews that were seeking to Kill Yeshua (Jesus in the Greek Language)? What did Yeshua teach about circumcision?

Get the answers to these biblical questions and more Saturday morning at 10:30 am Eastern Standard Time from a Pastor who actually reads the Bible!

Join us Saturday mornings at 10:30 am!

Please note; the Newest downloadable PDF files will not be ready for
download until the following week. Downloadable PDF files for each study can be found in our “Bible Topics” page!